My friends and colleagues have lovingly began referring to me as a Creative Doula, for my ability to help them manifest their ideas into reality, and support them along the way. 

I've coached everyone from aspiring authors and wellness professionals, to Tarot readers and astrologers, helping them find alignment in their work and birth fulfilling projects. It brings me so much joy and meaning to hold that space for others.

And so, for the first time in two years, I've reopened my books for creative counseling. You can schedule a 60 minute video session with me to discuss whatever you feel will be the most expansive to your creative endeavors. 

Here are just a few things I am confident I can assist you with:

Writing and self publishing a book
Creating an e-commerce storefront for your art business
Developing a sustainable creative practice
Writing a newsletter or starting a Substack Publication
Ways to thrive as an independent artist
Making merch for your brand
Moving through creative blocks
Brainstorming, planning, and executing a creative project
Growing a creative or wellness driven brand 

2024 marks 12 years since the day I left my job and started my own business as a wellness professional. 

In 2012, with nothing but a blog and Facebook page, I took a The Fool's leap into the unknown, and started an online coaching business. I had been working actively in the fitness industry for 12 years at that point (the numerical serendipity of all of this pleases me) and I had no idea if it would work. But I was tired of working for my controlling ex-boyfriend (a story for another day), and getting ready for a cross country move with my 6 year old son.

It had to work. There was simply no other option

Fast forward to more than a decade and I'm happy to say that not only did it work, it grew. It transformed. It multiplied. And most of all, it served as the springboard for my artistic endeavors, the dream that was always in my heart. Eventually my coaching business transitioned into my Tarot reading business and from there, creative consulting. For years I coached small covens of businesswomen via The Magic Maker Mastermind, and when that last cohort graduated in late 2019, I founded my online store, Salt + Sorcery.

Since launching Salt + Sorcery in just the past 4 1/2 years, I've:

Written and self published four books, and am in the process of publishing another
Created TWO successful e-commerce storefronts for my art business
Started a Substack newsletter with over 4000 subscribers 
Written thousands of email newsletters and more copy than I can count
Designed, marketed, and distributed thousands of t-shirts and sweatshirts and other wearables
Created a successful Patreon for Tarot readings + a thriving book club
Learned how to do all of it slowly, joyfully, and without "the grind"

I've amassed a great deal of experience in so many different aspect of business ownership—more than I ever could have imagined when I launched that first coaching business all those years ago. And now, I feel called once again to share it with others, in service of the collective.

Consider me your creative doula—I will counsel you, guide you, encourage you, and hold you accountable. If more than one counseling call is needed, custom counseling packages are available, tailored specifically to your budget. 

All you need to do to get started is book your first call.

When you click the button, you will be asked to make a $333 payment to secure your session. I will be in touch within 48 hours to discuss scheduling your call. If you'd prefer, you can also email me at 

A one on one meeting with me might prove useful to you both professionally and personally, but it's important to note that I am not a licensed mental health professionalI'm simply an artist with a great deal of experience working in creative and spiritual business. I'm here to help you by sharing everything I've learned, and offering you the guidance and support you need to manifest your dreams into reality.

I am so excited to see your face on my screen and offer whatever I can to add value to your creative life.

My creative counseling session with Neghar was so helpful in gaining clarity on multiple ideas and inspirations I've been trying to juggle in my mind. As a long-time follower, I've witnessed Neghar's growth into new ventures which is why I sought her particular insight. She was so generous with her thoughts and advice, informed by all of her experience. I've also previously had two tarot sessions during some transition times in my life and they were beautiful and grounding experiences. Highly recommend getting in her space any chance you get!

—Myra K.

Neghar's Magic Maker mastermind was more than I ever could have imagined. I came to learn about writing and business—what I got was so much more. Neghar's coaching taught me so much about myself and helped me forge the self confidence to really go after everything I want. If you need accountability and compassionate coaching, her services are for you.

—Marilene C.

Neghar is a gifted intuitive who can get to the heart of a matter in a no-BS way. She has been an integral part of my journey into becoming who I am thanks to her various offerings. Through her art, books, newsletters, readings, or anything else she blesses us with, Neghar has a way of sharing just what you need to hear at the time and I'm forever grateful that our paths have crossed!


Neghar's understanding and wisdom of creative life and business gave me a renewed sense of groundedness in my work. I am really excited to see how this plays out for me. It's given me a great confidence boost. Thank you!

—Anna P.

Neghar's mastermind group was  an invaluable experience for not only the development of my business, by myself. I started the programknowing that I would improve my writing skills and business savvy, but I didn't expect the level of  self improvement and growth that I experienced in tandem. Neg is a natural leader who brought empathy, vulnerability, and a down-to-business attitude that created the perfect environment for women to double down on themselves, their mission, and their magic.

—Jessie G.

In just an hour, Neghar is able to provide tangible guidance and next steps for your creative projects. Neghar asks thoughtful and engaging questions that showcase how much insight and knowledge she has to share. She creates a beautiful container in which all ideas, dreams, and thoughts are welcome. So appreciate her and this offering!


Neghar was the first coach I hired to support myself as I grew my business. Her blend of tactical steps I could take between sessions, such as how exactly to tighten up my website copy to most effectively connect with those I support best, as well as the emotional insights she offered to me as I stretched myself and the business to new heights—was exactly what I needed! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Neghar as your creative consultant and sounding board as you endeavor in your pursuits. My business continues to thrive six years later, and I know this success is due in part to her steady helping hand as I laid down my business foundations in our time working together.
